Shopping online? 10 tips to avoid ID theft this holiday season


The holidays are approaching and it's time to start shopping for those special gifts. Last year, consumers spent a holiday-season record $32.6 billion online, according to comScore. Unfortunately, with so much personal financial information out there, instances of identity theft are on the rise. According to the Federal Trade Commission, as many as 9 million people have their identities stolen each year.

While some victims of identity theft resolve their problems quickly, others spend thousands of dollars and months repairing the damage done to their credit. Some identity theft victims may even lose out on job opportunities or be denied loans for education, housing or cars because of negative information on their credit reports. In rare cases, they may even be arrested for crimes they did not commit.

"Anyone who shops online is vulnerable to having their identity compromised," says Jamie Haenggi, chief marketing and customer experience officer at Protection 1, the nation's second-largest security company. The company recently partnered with LifeLock to include identity theft protection in its offerings. "The proper precautions, combined with identity theft protection, are the strongest safeguards to protecting your credit and preventing the financial hardships that can be caused when an identity is stolen."

Haenggi offers the following tips to better protect your identity when shopping online this holiday season:

1. Shop trusted names

Stick with sites like, or other familiar retailers. Beware of misspellings or domain names using ".net" instead of ".com" as that is one of the most common ways scammers trick consumers.

2. Look for the lock

A secure website starts with "https://" instead of "http://." Secure sites will also have a small lock icon in the lower-right corner of the screen. Never give anyone your credit card through email. PayPal, however, is still a good, safe way to make a payment.

3. Don't share too much

No store needs your social security number or your birthday. In the hands of the wrong person, combined with your credit card number, serious damage can be done. Always give up the least amount of personal information possible.

4. Check billing statements

Check statements for credit and debit cards, and monitor checking accounts regularly. If you see any charges you don't recognize, address the matter immediately. Don't pay credit card bills until you know all your charges are accurate. You have 30 days to notify the bank or card issuer of problems. After that, you might be liable for the charges.

5. Use stronger passwords

With so many online accounts - banking, credit cards, email - it's common practice to recycle simple passwords that can be easily recalled. Use uncrackable passwords, especially when banking and shopping. Your password is weak if:

* It uses numbers or letters in the order they appear on the keyboard ("1234" or "qwerty")

* It's the name of your kids, pet, favorite team, or city of birth

* It's your birthday, anniversary, date of graduation, or car license plate number

* It's "letmein," or, especially, "password."

7. Think mobile

The National Retail Federation predicts that 25 percent of adults will do online browsing with their smartphones to find gifts. Buck this trend and download store-specific apps like those for and make your purchase without going to their website.

8. Stay at home

Do all online shopping at home so you know you're using a trusted, secure network.

9. Enroll in an identity theft protection service

Having a service provider you trust is important. Advanced technology and helpful customer service are "musts" for identifying and remedying any fraud issues. Protection 1 is now offering identity theft protection in every new HomeCore Solution home security package at

10. Use insurance

Just in case you do become the victim of identity theft, having insurance is vital to help recoup any lost money. Coverage typically costs from $20 to $100 a year as a rider to a basic homeowner's policy or as a stand-alone purchase.

Follow these simple tips, and you can help to ensure your family - and your property - remain safe year-round.

Courtesy of BPT


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